If modifications contains container under list that has some leafs, even if leaf is defined, that subcontainer is skiped and direct children are processed.
Example in parent issue request:
While writing Lisp data, vni-table(list) with key XY is written, under that is vrf-subtable(container) with leaf table-id, under it remote-mappings(container),with remote-mapping(list) entry with key AB.
ModificationDiff.recursivelyFromCandidateRoot in ModifiableDataTreeDelegator.processCandidate returns list of modifications and first is vni-table,and after that vrf-subtable is skipped,and next change is remote-mapping.
Vrf subtable container has dedicated customizer registered, and was modified(container appeared + leaf node was specified), therefore i would expect that customizer is invoked in this case.
- blocks
HONEYCOMB-276 Lisp operational data is incomplete
- Complete