Right now jvpp write DTOs are created per request, which causes GC issues when writing under heavy load.
Follow should be implemented
- Synchronized queue that will hold predefined number of DTO's(can scale in time based on load)
- Accessor that will be created per tx that will hold reference to DTO's provided for tx
- Once TX is closed, these dto's would be "cleaned" - meaning all tributes of DTO would be reseted to values same as they are when DTO is constructed. Then it would be retured to queue to be used again
- Optional - if DTO is requested and queue is empty, new one would be created and after TX it would recycled back. This would serve as load balancing under heavy load, as the queue would be autoexpanded.
- Optional - clean method for write DTO's can be generated in jvpp(would remove need to implement it per DTO manually)
- Optional - Nr of precreated DTO's can be part of plugin configuration