If only hairpinning is enabled and an outside interface is specified, NAT session out2in.fib_index value is assigned to sm->outside_fibs[0].fib_index, which VRF, is outside interface is located.
In function snat_icmp_hairpinning, use sm->outside_fib_index to find sm->per_thread_data[ti].out2in. In the restricted usage scenario, all the outside interfaces must belong to the unique outside VRF, otherwise the nat problem will occur.
ip table add 20000
create sub-interfaces TenGigabitEthernet1a/0/1 1000
set interface state TenGigabitEthernet1a/0/1.1000 up
set interface ip table TenGigabitEthernet1a/0/1.1000 20000
set interface nat44 out TenGigabitEthernet1a/0/1.1000
ip table add 20001
create host-interface name vpp-1001
create sub-interfaces host-vpp-1001 1001
set interface state host-vpp-1001 up
set interface state host-vpp-1001.1001 up
set interface ip table host-vpp-1001.1001 20001
set interface l2 tag-rewrite host-vpp-1001.1001 push dot1q 1001
set interface ip address host-vpp-1001.1001
ip route add table 20001 via host-vpp-1001.1001
set interface nat44 in host-vpp-1001.1001 output-feature
nat44 add address tenant-vrf 20001
nat44 add static mapping local external vrf 20001