VXLAN-GPE transport for In-band OAM
- Use VxLAN-GPE to carry extension headers containing iOAM TLVs.
- As outlined in [draft-brockners-inband-oam-transport-00], in-band OAM data records can be transported in VXLAN-GPE, tunnels. [draft-brockners-inband-oam-data] further describes these TLVs.
- As part of the code changes, the forwarding code is restructured to separate the transport-agnostic and transport-specific portions.
- Three different scenarios need to be handled by the code:
- VxLAN encap : Add iOAM headers as part of the VxLAN encap functionality.
- VxLAN decap and preparation of export: Consume information received in iOAM TLVs as part of the VxLAN tunnel termination. The consumed information can be exported as IPFIX records to an out-of-band collector for analysis/ analytics.
- VxLAN transit: This case requires some DPI to populate iOAM TLVs in a VxLAN underlay (transit) node.
- Please note that, while the above problem description is provided for completeness, commits could be phased for logistical reasons.